Hotel restaurant in Port-en-Bessin

Tourism in Port-en-Bessin

The Landing beaches

Some useful links :

Bayeux tourist office
Official site of the Bayeux Intercom tourist office.
Overlord museum
Located 7km from Port en Bessin, Close to the American landing beach of Omaha Beach and facing the access roundabout to the American Cemetery of Colleville-sur-Mer, The Overlord Museum chronicles this period from the Allied landing up to the liberation of Paris.
Omaha Beach Golf course
Located 3km from the hotel, the Golf course of Omaha Beach offers two different sites, the sea that takes you from the clubhouse to hole 6 whose green overlooks the harbor of Port en Bessin, the last 9 holes thread through meadows bordered by hedges.
Eisenhower Hotel
Located less than 150 meters from the fishing port, the EISENHOWER HOTEL is a hotel with 30 friendly and comfortable rooms in the heart of the Landing Beaches. Port-en-Bessin is located midway between Arromanches and Omaha Beach.
Arromanches 360° Circular Cinema
Located at 9 km from the hotel, the Arromanches Circular Cinema is open:
• From May 1st  to September 30th, 2014: 9:30 - 19h (last session: 6:40 p.m.)
• From  October 1st  to November 11th 2014: 10h - 18h (last session: 5:40 p.m.)
• From November 12th to December 31st 2014: 10am - 17:30.